What is a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)?

What is HMIS?
A Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a digital data collection system, administered locally, that stores user-level data and data on the delivery of housing and services to individuals and families experiencing or at risk of homelessness within a Continuum of Care.
What is the HMIS mission?
Our Mission is to support HMIS users with services that facilitate data quality and informed decision making by members of the FL-507 Continuum of Care (CoC FL-507).
What are some of the things that HMIS documents?
HMIS assists in developing un-duplicated counts of users served at the local level, tracks services used by homeless persons, captures information from multiple agencies, tracks service usage over time, and provides summary information about service usage and users.
Who are our users?
All recipients of HUD McKinney Vento Act program funds, including: Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Homelessness Prevention (HP), Rapid Re-Housing Program (RRH), Supportive Housing Program (SHP) and Shelter Plus Care (S+C).
Why utilize the Central Florida HMIS?
As a HMIS user agency you'll receive improved coordination of care and services, improved knowledge about services and beds available, reduced duplication of information, and protection of client confidentiality.
You'll also have access to automated reporting, improved internal and external data, automated information for management and case managers, improved client tracking, and you'll be able to meet HUD reporting requirements.
homeless+woman+on+bench (2)
Young beautiful red hair girl sitting alone outdoors on the wooden bench with hat and shirt feeling anxious and depressed after she became a homeless person close up portrait