Requests for Customized HMIS Data Reports or Analysis
As HMIS Lead Agency, HSN’s ongoing goal is to ensure that all participating agencies can maximize the value of HMIS as the critical tool for understanding the status and progress of our clients, our programs and the system as a whole.
However, given the ever-increasing number of agencies and end users using HMIS as well as ongoing demands associated with data requirements of funders and key stakeholders, HSN simply lacks the capacity to respond to every request for customized reporting and analysis, especially within a short period of time.
As a result, ad hoc requests for customized reporting and/or analysis will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis and will have fees. Furthermore, requests that do not adhere to the terms and conditions of the Data Use Agreement cannot be filled.
Guidelines for Requesting Customized Reporting or Analysis
Prior to submitting a request, please think carefully about the elements of the request and their relationship with the HMIS Data Standards if you are unsure of which data elements are available. Please also consider the complexity of the request and whether related tools are already available that might meet your need reasonably well.
HMIS does incorporate several CoC-specific fields outside of the HMIS data standards (see examples below.) However, these fields may be inconsistently answered or monitored, which creates a greater margin for error with regard to data quality.
Examples of CoC Custom Fields:
- County where client became homeless
- CES-specific fields (e.g., Navigation-related)
If you decide that it is necessary to submit a specialized request for reporting or analysis, please use the following link:
Customized requests for reporting or analysis that require less than one hour of total staff time to prepare will be free to the requester on a periodic basis. Data requests requiring more than one hour of staff time will incur a charge of $25/hour (after the first hour.) Requests for fee waivers due to extenuating circumstances may be approved by the Executive Director on a case by case basis.
HSN Report/Data Request Form
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding available reports or report request contact us: